Last year the commUNITY came together to raised $131,831.61 during the 2023 Panhandle Gives for improvements at the Tom Britt Memorial Park! Funds were used to purchase sprinkler systems for the baseball fields, field lights, improvements to the backstops and bleachers, helping to complete the ballfield improvement phase. There were 80 trees planted across the park this year, as well as another Eagle Scout project from Troop 472 completed - walking trails and obstacle course.
This year during The Panhandle Gives event, Wheeler Sports goal is to raise $100,000. This funding goes directly towards building the long-anticipated restrooms and concession stand. We are asking for everyone to help us 'Set the Foundation' as we build a bright future for the commUNITY and all who enjoy it.

The Panhandle Gives is an annual event hosted and coordinated by the Amarillo Area Foundation (AAF) that starts on the Monday before Thanksgiving (11.25.24) and ends on the
global day of giving, known as Giving Tuesday (12.03.23). Donations given during this time not only go towards our local non-profit, but the funds are AMPLIFIED. To learn more FAQS about this event CLICK HERE. Wheeler Sports is associated with our local WAAIC (Wheeler Area Activities and Improvements Council, Inc.) a registered nonprofit, and is set up as "Wheeler Sports" during The Panhandle Gives event.

Wheeler Sports is committed to teaching the FUNdamentals of the game. Our goal is to promote a lifelong enjoyment of sports, while emphasizing a positive experience and instilling the core values of discipline, teamwork, safety, respect, and integrity.
Our Future Plans
We currently have a master park plan that has multiple phases, some we have completed and we are currently for our next phase - Concession/Restroom Multi-purpose building! The master plan for Tom Britt Memorial Park outlines space for our sporting events, tournaments, as well as a place for our commUNITY to gather, enhancing the quality of life for Wheeler County residents. Thanks to the Tree Planting Project, the way has been paved to have more shade across the park! The new sprinkler system installed, maintenance spraying for weeds/sticker control and the leveling of the baseball fields will allow functionality to host more games and tournaments. We are happy to wrap up the baseball field project. We are moving to the next phase by laying the foundation for a multipurpose building, complete with restrooms and concession. Good bye port-a-potties!

How Do I Get More Involved?
Peer-to-Peer Sponsor
We would like business, organizations, and individuals to consider becoming a Peer-to-Peer Sponsor to raise money for Wheeler Sports during The Panhandle Gives (November 25th to December 3rd). Every participant in Peer-to-Peer fundraising can be an advocate for our Wheeler Sports goal, by reaching out to their own personal network of family, friends and colleagues. It is vital for us to make everyone feel, in whatever capacity, they can give or invest, it will add greatly to our end goal. Your circle of influence can introduce the campaign to new donors, and help us magnify our impact during The Panhandle Gives event.

A great example of being a Peer-to-Peer sponsor is our Wheeler Chamber Youth Ambassadors hosting a Fall Festival on October 26th from 10am - 2pm. All proceeds will go to Wheeler Sports during #PanhandleGives. Join Us as we are "ALL TOGETHER NOW" in raising the funds needed to continue the Tom Britt Memorial Park growth. Want to be a Peer-to-Peer, let us know and we will get you setup.
Matching Sponsor
Dedicate a certain amount and IF (we like to say WHEN) people raise that same amount to match, we bring you the BIG CHECK! You vow to give $500 WHEN others raise $500, that is matching. Allowing a range of donations to be made in a non pressure kind of way, helps us all feel like we are working "ALL TOGETHER NOW" during The Panhandle Gives event. Sometimes it's nice to support other people’s enthusiasm.
Did you know that we have a BIG CHECK and we can't wait to put you on it. Let us know so we can set up this awesome promotional opportunity!!
Change VS Cash
One of our favorite methods to raise funds during The Panhandle Gives is getting our youth, who participate and benefit from Wheeler Sports, involved. We are working with our local schools across North Wheeler County to offer a fun and exciting way for kids to be invested in raising money during November 18th - November 22nd.

The Change vs Cash Competition is a friendly competition between grades, school groups, and administration. Everyone brings as much change as they can throughout November 18th-22nd, but they also bring cash to put in their competitor's stash. Think of this way: Change is + (positive) and cash is - (negative). We will announce the winners when we have them deposit their winnings during The Panhandle Gives event . More information will be coming soon about this event as Wheeler Sports works alongside the school administrations across Wheeler County. We are asking them to dress as FUTURE CAREER on the final day of the campaign, Tuesday, December 3rd to tie into our theme of "Setting the Foundation".
Background History
If you have spent time in Tom Britt Memorial Park for a special event, then you can understand why the park is a major perk for Wheeler County. In 1986, the Wheeler Kiwanis Club had 10 acres of land deeded to them, later deeding those 10 acres in 2006 to the local Wheeler Lions Club. It has gone through many different growth projects since the baseball field instillation in 1987.

Tom Britt Memorial Park has been fully funded, maintained and operated by the Wheeler Lions Club. In 2016 they partnered with the Wheeler Sports Board, diligently working together to improve the Tom Britt Memorial Park facilities for future generations.
Make no mistake, the hard work and efforts from countless volunteers has enable the park to grow and become an asset for many.
In 2023 Tom Britt Memorial Park, from the support of the Wheeler Sports Board, officially become a city park and adopted a Master Parks Plan. This is vital to better our funding opportunities and expands the grants the park can receive that can make a HUGE difference.
So Now What?
This coming November we have BIG plans to make a BIG impact with our students, family, alumni and local businesses. We are asking you to help us SET THE FOUNDATION and give to Wheeler Sports during The Panhandle Gives event. We listed different ways you can get involved, but most importantly we encourage you to work with people in your circle of influence. This cause benefits EVERYONE, as Tom Britt Memorial Park has hosted multiple events throughout its history and it is a constant location for our youth and commUNITY members.
IF you are unable to GIVE, you can still give the GIFT OF TIME and volunteer. The need for coaches, umpires/referees, equipment managers, field maintenance and concession workers are always in demand. Please consider volunteering and help create memories that last a lifetime. You can reach out to us at wheelertxsports.org for more information.
Follow us on our Facebook page, and keep up with our donation page. The Panhandle Gives will start on November 28th and end on December 3rd.