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Sammi Davis

Stronger Internet is in Our Grasp!

Our local business officers and non-profit organizations have been hard at work to help provide the Panhandle of Texas much needed low-cost, sustainable, and equitable internet connectivity. Under the Broadband Equity Access and Deployment Program millions of dollars from the federal government can be allotted to making sure our section of the Texas Panhandle receive the funding to ensure better internet to our community.

To calculate what parts are in dire need The Communication Commission created a broadband accessibility map (pictured below) to calculate what areas are lacking in proper broadband internet. However, the map is only as accurate as the information YOU put into it.

We are encouraging everyone in our community to visit and insert your address and correct any inaccurate information in regard to our internet access. We need as much involvement as possible to ensure that funds are dedicated to your region!

Here is the official release in regard to the project led by The Communication Commission:

-- WASHINGTON, January 25, 2023—The FCC’s Task Force to Prevent Digital Discrimination today announced it is offering consumers an opportunity to share their stories and experiences in obtaining broadband internet access. Chairwoman Jessica Rosenworcel established the Task Force to serve as a cross-agency effort focused on creating rules and policies to combat digital discrimination and to promote equal access to broadband access across the country, regardless of zip code, income level, ethnicity, race, religion, or national origin.

Last month, the Commission adopted a Notice of Proposed Rulemaking looking to implement provisions of the Bipartisan Infrastructure Act pertaining to the prevention and elimination of digital discrimination. The Act establishes various requirements for the prevention and elimination of digital discrimination and tasks the FCC to adopt rules to facilitate equal access to broadband internet access service.

“Too many people still do not have the connections they need to fully participate in modern life,” said Chairwoman Rosenworcel. “We want to give consumers the opportunity to share their first-hand experiences and challenges getting and staying online. This will help inform our understanding of when, where, and why digital discrimination happens and will provide important insight for our work moving forward.”

The Communication Commission has a form you can fill out explaining your situation with your internet connectivity. Click here!

You might be curious by now how you are able to even know if your internet speed through your provider is even below the average. An article from goes into detail about what proper speed is.

"Any internet connection above 25 Mbps is a good internet speed. The FCC currently defines a “broadband” internet connection as one that provides at least 25 Mbps for download speed and 3 Mbps for upload. This is a decent benchmark for the average family of three; however, larger households of three to five people should consider speeds closer to the 100–200 Mbps range.

In order to be a “good” internet speed, the connection has to meet the needs of the

household, which will vary based on number of devices connected and how many people use the connection at once." -

"What is good internet speed?"

Tyler Cooper, Aug. 28, 2020

The best way to figure out the speed of your internet is through (pictured on the right-hand side) It gives you an accurate reading and you can test it multiple times a day and figure out when your internet is performing at its highest and lowest.

Once you have found out your speed you have a better understanding of your internet access. The following pictures give a great step-by-step process for challenging the data collected in the broadband map.

Please visit now and challenge any discrepancies you notice when looking up your address in regard to internet accessibility. If you need help please ask for assistance from family or friends!



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